Heart of America Barbershop Chorus
The Heart of America Chapter was chartered in April of 1938, the second oldest in the Barbershop Harmony Society, formed right here in Kansas City in the old lobby of the Muhelebach Hotel. We are dedicated to music education and preserving the Barbershop 4-part Harmony style of music. HOA is a non-profit organization. Our Singing programs support Children’s Mercy Hospital, The Salvation Army, and Harmony Explosion (youth) program. We enjoy performing, usually twice a year in a formal setting, and are available for more leisurely gatherings. One of our favorite things to do is called “tag singing.” A tag is defined as being the last few measures of a song that usually confirms and emphasizes a song meaning. Four guys will get together, one of each part – tenor, lead, baritone, and bass, and sing just to hear the chords ring. In some settings we include audience participation by explaining how these chords are defined, and then combined. It’s a great sound when this all comes together.
Performances on Make Music Day
7:00 PM - 8:00 PM
City Hall Plaza
101 East Kansas Street Downtown -
7:00 PM - 8:00 PM
Historic Courthouse (County Admin. Bldg.) South Steps
300 S Rte 291, Liberty, MO Downtown